Tuesday, 2 February 2016



If this sounds to you like I’m describing a hearty hot Meal of nyama choma and Kichure (a delicacy known to the Kurian people) its because it’s much better than that.TURUTUTU TURUTUTU TURUTUTU…The Kighoghos, ibhirandi, ibiturani, obokano, erisege, ikibiswi, emborogo, ekerongwethe list goes on and on. This instruments you do not know, are musical instruments of the Kuria people, they will and can serenade any living creature on planet earth. Man, if there’s one culture I’ve grown to like, its that which nobody knows about. 

 I would listen to Ritungu in the hostel while I thirst for bhusara so badly and wonder why no one knows about this amazing people.

If they know anything it’s that one bad thing, and I’m not talking of cows, because our love for cows is beyond measure, we care so much about them that they sleep in our houses. They are not like pets, if that’s what you’re imagining,because we always end up eating them at one particular time.

 I remember a certain time my dad wanted to sell one of our cows called “kimahara” and it was trouble in the house. For my mom, it was because she needed it for plowing reasons on the farm, but  to me,this cow was now part of family, I felt like 'he' knew us, he could even hear us, but I could not say that to my dad.Come on, my dad would laugh and sell it immediately, and tell me to stop being ridiculous!

That’s for another day. 

Today we talk about kurian music, Ritungu….haaaaa…damn, I’m writing this article while listening to MAGHENA NDARE and I can tell you every nerve in me is in a frenzy, God knows my body and my I are just in a delirium. Sorry I’ve got no better words to explain this feeling that this songs can bring. (Dancing, shaking my head in a rhythmic motion up and down)

 Have you ever, heard someone Araibhaka, somethings cannot be described in words, sorry.

The songs are great if you listen, though the video quality is bad, but that will one day be refined.

Meanwhile grab your ikabhuru (a big cup) gobble down that cold bhusara and join me in this delirium of Kurian music and Ritungu!

A kabhuru is way much bigger though, and gives one a bhusara thirst by just glaring!

Ubhuhanchi bhasani.


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